Please answer all of the following questions: (Make sure you proofread and use complete sentences)These should be elaborate thoughts, not one sentence repsonses!
1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's world-renown "Did you Know" powerpoint, what ideas strike you about the facts presented?
How does this make you think about the world and your place in it? How could this impact you?
2) Also, what did Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" make you think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc...? How can you apply what you saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to your own life?
3) What is the value of learning? What is your role as a learner?
1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's powerpoint, One main fact that strikes me was that a $1,000 computer can exceed the human race. This makes me think how powerful the technology in this world is getting, and how educated our society is becoming.
ReplyDelete2) Danny Macaskill's "Inspired Bikes" made me think how important it is to preserver and work hard, because you never know how good you can be at something if you just give up. You always have to preserver to find your true potential.
3) Learning has so much value because we are able to gain new information and grow as human beings. As a student, my role is to acquire new information and apply what I know to everyday life. As a student I feel that it is my job to make the world a better place in the upcoming future.
1. After viewing Mr. Fisch’s world-renown “Did You Know” powerpoint, the ideas that strike me about the facts presented is the fact that 25% of China’s population and 28% of India’s population with the highest IQ’s make up the total population of North America. What this makes me think about the world and my place in it is that it shows where America stands in the world and where I stand in America. it shows how there are places around the world that are smarter and better, which makes me want to work harder.. This impacts me because it tells me that since I live in America, I need to work even harder because China and India have more honors kids than we have kids.
ReplyDelete2. What Danny Macaskill’s,”Inspired Bikes” made me think about perseverance, hard work, potential, etc. is that in order for me to achieve my goals, I need to train hard and do my best. I need to put in what I want to get out, which means that if I want to get an A on a test, I need to study for it. It also taught me that I need to stay focused and positive so that I can be happier and more supportive of others. How I can apply what I saw from his adventures, doing bike tricks, to my own life is that if I want to do something amazing with my life, I need to work hard and motivate myself to get back up when I fall and try again.
3. Learning is so valuable these days because not all of us have the ability to learn something new everyday. It is vital to get a good education so that we can grow and eventually go to college. What my role is as a learner is that I need to work hard now so that I can have a brighter future and make a change on the world around me.
1) Mr. Fisch's presentation taught me so much about how the technology of today is taking over our lives. A lot of the information in the video seems as if people wouldn't want to know it, and Mr. Fisch exposes the truth. Most facts like the computer that's smarter than the human race, and that Myspace would be the 8th biggest if it were a country, really boggle my mind.
ReplyDelete2) The biking video really taught me perseverance, and drive. He never once gave up on a trick, or stopped trying. This shows that if you work for something, you can achieve it.
3) The value of learning is to learn more about the world, and be more educated human being. My role is to improve the world in some way from what I have learned
1) After viewing Mr. Fisch's "Did You Know" powerpoint, one thing that strikes me the most is how English is so popular in China and how so many people use it. It's amazing how English is such a popular language. This tells me that it doesn't matter where we come from and who we are, if we want to learn to do something, we can do it.
ReplyDelete2) Danny Macaskill's "Inspired Bikes" made me realize how important it is not to give up, and just keep on trying no matter what. He kept trying and trying and he got better at doing tricks. The video taught me that not everything will be easy at first, but if I work hard for something then I can achieve that goal.
3) The value of learning is us learning new stuff everyday. Learning something new everyday makes us learn things that we didn't already know and this will make us become a better person. My role as a learner is for me to teach and show people how great learning new things can be.
1) The hard facts really hit me hard and I feel very small. The facts make me think "Wow!" and the idea that struck me was how powerful technology is and fast the world is changing! The giant numbers makes the world seem so complicated! I'm just one of so many others, just a single boy in the sea of human kind.
ReplyDelete2) In the beginning of the video, Danny failed at some insane fence trick. He fell flat on his face. Then he got right back up. The second try was successful. Danny showed us how getting back up and working even harder lead to achieving the goal, and going beyond. Danny showed us the result of hard work and perseverance. Danny showed us you can achieve ANYTHING as long as you're giving good effort and maintain a strong, determined soul. I think this is something I should apply to academics and anything I want to have, because I want to be that guy who has insane grades, amazing athletic skills, and an adventurous life.
3) I think that learning is key to life. Knowledge is priceless and that the more you know, the higher the chances of success. My role as a learner is to suck up all the facts I have access to and use them later on in life, whenever I shall need them.
1) The point that China has more honors than we [America] has kids is an unchangeable thing currently as China isn't getting any smaller. Also, it's amazing how developed modern technology has become. I knew that fiber optics were fast, but not 10 trillion bits per second fast (original). Again they dominate English as a language.
ReplyDelete2) Its amazing how much work he [Danny] put into pulling off those tricks, I could never dream of doing that in my lifetime. But to the point, he never gave up, he gave it his all, and persevered for his goal. Kudos to Danny.
3) I (as a learner) plan to take everything thrown at me at face value, then work from there. The value of knowledge is so tremendous that it cannot be accurately described. I hope to use everything I learn whether it be in a career of my choice, or just in everyday life.
After viewing Mr. Fisch's "Did You Know" PowerPoint, I thought that we use a lot more technology every day than we realize. This made me feel like we were starting to become a part of technology and maybe someday the whole day will be with technology. This could impact me because maybe my bad handwriting won't affect me if we do everything with technology or a lot of people will be out of jobs that our technology could do for us.
ReplyDelete2. Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" made me think that you have to keep trying to get something right and even if you are an expert you can still make mistakes. You have to work hard to get what you want and anyone can succeed. I could apply what I saw in this video to my life by remembering that I shouldn't be afraid to do what I want.
3. The value of learning is getting some information you could use later in life in your dream job or when you are shopping for the best deals. My goal as a learner is to let the teacher do their job and do my homework and put an effort in learning by paying attention, taking notes, participating in class and studying.
1)The video Mr. Fisch made me think that it is crazy how China will be the number one English speaking country in the world and that they have more honor students than we have students. It's funny how we have to help our parents with their technology but our kids will have to do the same thing to us.
ReplyDelete2) I think that Danny Macaskill probably thought that the tricks that he is doing now he thought they looked impossible or that he couldn't do them, but assuming that the technique he used to get better was practice he never would have thought he could. I think students and young adults should look at him and take the same mentality he had and use it in real life problems.
3) I think that knowledge is everything. If you want to get a good job that will make you successful you should probably have an education. We need to stay in school so we can do things like get the jobs we want and be able to have a conversation with anyone in the world.
1) In Mr Fisch's Video, his positivity toward the future and its capability struck me in surprise. As a society we have made the future an axious topic. All we can talk about is the apocolypse and all the occuring unstoppable problems we will encounter. This video is reassuring and a breath of fresh air. It makes a strong staement that our world is getting smarter at a rapid rate. Humans want to learn and are working hard to change, invent, and improve. All the facts were fascinating but the overall message is what stuck to my heart.
ReplyDelete2) The bike video was very inspirational. I really enjoyed the tricks. The biggest trick of all is the hidden message behind the video. Its telling us to keep trying and the things that seem impossible can become possible. Being persistant can help acomplish.
3) Learning has a higher value then any computor or any amount of money. With more knowledge as a human race we can discover and prospire. With todays technolgy and drive to learn we could advance so much farther then or ancestors before us. Learning is valuble enough to give us a healthier, richer(quality not money) and connected world. My role as a learner is to comprehend everything I can. To recieve the best learning skills so that in the future I can be an informed citzen, american, and human being.
After viewing the powerpoint “Did You Know”, it was so interesting to see the facts presented. Some of the facts made me feel proud, but most of the slides made me want to change. Although there are so many people living in America, and all around the world, each person can make a difference. While watching this video and after, it made me feel very inspired. I saw how we can change the world and it made me hopeful that the world will change and improve for the better.
2) After watching the video “Inspired Bikes”, it made me think a lot about what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Danny most likely didn’t know that doing amazing bike tricks was going to be his future when he was a child. But, when he realized that riding bikes was his passion, he took the initiative to create a career and learn more tricks. This made me feel like I wasnt doing enough in my life. When you do something you love, you can turn that into a career. Danny Macaskill taught me this important lesson.
There are many values of learning. Growing, teaching and making your life all has to do with learning. Not only do you learn in a classroom, but learning life lessons (like the ones taught by Danny Macaskill) will make your life better. In order to be a good learner, you have to put in effort. One of the most important roles as a learner is doing your best. When you try your hardest, there is so many more possibilities for how your life is. Making the world a better place happens when you try your best.
1. The fact the struck me the most after watching "Did You Know?" was that the number of text messages sent per day exceeds the population of the planet. This fact makes me feel very small in the world, and I can't even imagine what billions of people could be talking about every second of the day and that technology is moving that fast.
ReplyDelete2. The "Inspired Bikes" video made me think that if you give up on anything you will never know if you could have been good at it. If things get hard you still have to persevere and keep going, like when Danny Macaskill fell off the fence trick but he got back up and did it again. In life sometimes I get frustrated and want to give up, but I just think to myself that giving up won't get me anywhere but if I keep trying I will get there.
3. Learning is important because then we know how to deal with anything we come across in life, and what is going on around us. What we learn in school everyday we can apply in everyday life and in the future. My role as a learner is to try my best and do well because then in the future I can apply my knowledge to help or teach other people.
I really liked the way that applied the "Inspired Bikes" video to your life. It was inspiring how you said that giving won't get you anywhere and that by trying, you will eventually get there.
Delete1) Mr. Fisches video honestly amazed me I had to watch it several times just to take in all the information given. The thing that really confounded me was the fact that in China the 25% of them with the highest IQ’s is more people than live in North America. This video really makes you see how much bigger the world is and how difficult it is to become someone who is well known by many from even a nationwide standpoint. The video, “Did You Know”, justifying how hard those people worked and how it has paid off. As a result of this realization it makes me want to work that much harder to become someone who helps and is known for what they do. I know at least for me I want to be one and 1,000,000 in whatever I do.
ReplyDelete2) The video "Inspired Bikes" was an amazing illustration of where persistence, hard work, a dream, and love for what you do can get you. What I really think I take from this video is even the seeming impossible is possible. No matter what you want to do you can do it with hard work and determination. Your accomplishments can be endless if you want them bad enough and this video is just reassurance of that.
3) I think there is so much value in learning that we look over. If you want to be successful in this day and age you need to be a well educated person. I think mostly all people look at their future and want to be lucrative and successful but you can’t get there without learning, asking yourself questions and challenging yourself to be the best you can be. In school you don't only learn facts but you learn life lessons that are imperative to the real world such as: social skills, how to interact with different types of people, time management and much more. My roll personally as a learner is to give school and learning, in and out of the classroom, my all because I want to do something amazing with my life and it all starts with how I decide to utilize these next four years.
1. What ideas that stroke my the most were that technology was going higher. This makes me think about the world and the place I'm in is that people use more electronics today then back then. It could impact me by using more technology in the future than when it was just starting.
ReplyDelete2. The video "Inspired Bikes" made me think that I can do more work and help more people that I care and love about. I can apply that my life is an adventure. I can choose what comes my way when I want it to happen.
3. The value of learning is that you can have a good job and know what comes next in your life. My role as a learner is to become a good educated person who knows what she wants to do in the future.
1) Some things that struck me and really sparked my curiosity in Mr. Fisch's "Did you know?" video were his statistics about the growing rate of technology. Some things specifically is that in 10 years a super computer will be able to do anything a human can do. We always talk about how technology will eventually take over the human race in sci-fi movies and books, but these facts support those theories. That kinda struck me as a little creepy and makes me wish for old fashion times when people would actually talk to each other face to face, climb mountains instead of look at pictures of mountains, go do crazy fun things rather than watch internet video's of other people doing crazy stupid stuff. This impacts me because it really makes me think about what I do, reflect on how much of my precious time I have spending on the internet.
ReplyDelete2) The video of Danny Macaskill shows me many things, those video's make me crave passion for something awesome. His video shows that hard work can make you AWESOME! That sounds like the voice of a crazy teenager saying that but, spoiler alert, I am a crazy teenager. He makes me want to step outside of my comfort zone and persevere to strive for new things.
3)The value of learning is that it doesn't only prepare you for school but it prepares you for life. This quote is on our cafeteria walls, "Not for school but for life, we learn." And as a learner I really believe this is true. My role in learning is to question and challenge and benefit not only my learning but the learning of those around me. Productive learning.
1. The ideas that strike my mind the most in the did you know presentation is just how mamy babies ar ebeing born everyday. That seems really crazy knowing that that many children are being born every day. It makes me feel like the world is just going to have a crazy amount of people in the near future. This could impact me because the world could become overpopulated.
ReplyDelete2. The video Inspired Bikes makes me think of all of those vertues especially hard work because it show that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. I can apply what Danny Macaskill was doing in my life by working hard and trying to achieve great things in everything I do.
3. The value of learning is getting a quality education, my role as aa learner is to work hard in and out of school and trying my best to acheive my goals.
1. After watching the “Did You Know” video, I was surprised how modern and technological the world has become between the original video and the 4th version. I was also surprised how many people were connected to the internet every day. These made the world and many popular websites seem huge because of the sheer number of people that visit the internet each day. This could impact me because it shows how many people could see what you post on the internet every day and make me think better about the thing that myself and others post on the web.
ReplyDelete2. The “Inspire Bikes” video made me realize that with a little hard work, you could accomplish almost anything. I could apply this by working harder in school and sports in order to excel and become a better athlete and learner.
3. Learning is important because if you never learn how to do something you would never be able to do it. Every skill that I have acquired as a person has been learned from someone else who learned it from someone else and so on. If I couldn’t learn, I could never acquire any skills that can help me in my future. As a learner, my duty is to learn the information correctly so that I can apply that knowledge in my future.
In Mr. Fisch's video it really made me think what our world is like today. Because of T.V and social media teenagers and even adults are blocking or not noticing what our society and world has become. It showed what technology has made us today and it has become a must, some of us depend on it. And some of us are using it over board and the facts are there to prove it. When I watched this clip it was a "Wow" moment because I realized so many things, and one was that the U.S is falling behind in not just academics but everything! This clip is not scare people in the way that we are falling behind but to show people what our lives has become. This clip does not jut impact me but the world and if we keep letting technology control us and fall behind then the future generation will be in deeper trouble. The main idea I got out of this clip was that we as people need to know how is the world like and the problem is most people don't even care about our world. The world is changing rapidly but it's all up to us to make it a good change or bad change. Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. -Nelson Mandela
ReplyDeleteThe biking video was awesome because it shows that if one person puts his heart and sole into one thing he or she can make a big difference. This showed that not only sports but in other things like school, if someone truly works hard they get a result and most of the time its a good one. This video is inspiring because it makes me want to do those cool tricks but again its not easy and it probably took allot of dedication and patience to learn and master those tricks. This is the important part, there is a reason why there are only a handful of people who can do cool tricks and impress others and the reason is because not everyone has dedication and patience.
Learning is great because you can never stop learning. Learning is a great tool because the more we learn the more we get updated not only about our world but our future and the road ahead. Learning is something that can be a great tool for the world. Learning expands your average thinking it helps you be aware of your surroundings. Learning is one thing that we should all be thankful for because without it we would not no anything, and that would be really bad.
ReplyDelete1.) Something that really striked me that our world has changed so much in just four years that all the phone texts averages went up at least a thousand and people have been so interested in technology that people have lost their social skills. During the presentation I noticed that in India they had the best scores of everything and every college graduate could speak English and I think that is because in India they don't have much technology like we do here in America, they enjoy going to school and most kids hate going to school they would rather be home watching tv or playing on their phones.
2.) After watching that video it had really inspired me because he had worked as he could and he tried his best and he kept trying when he couldn't do it. He's such a good influence to rulers because there is always going to be that hard test or hard homework assignment but if you push through it you can do it and if you keep trying you will finally achieve your goal after working your hardest. Danny showed it very well that you just have to keep trying your hardest and it will always work out. I thought that video was very inspirational to me.
3.) The value of learning is to understand something and learning is something you take away from getting taught. You must have a good effort to learn and you wont anywhere if you don't try and learn you need to learn and once you learn you can help others. My role as a learner is to try my best and learn as much as I can and put my hardest effort into school all four years at Arapahoe, I really want to get good grades so I'm gonna work my hardest and do my best this year.
1.) one thing that shocked me was that in 10 years (from 2006) China will be the number 1 English speaking country in the world. this shocks me because it shows how us, as americans, are lacking knowledge in our own language to another country.
ReplyDelete2.) Danny Macaskill's, "Inspired Bikes" taught me that you should live life in the present and not worry about what will happen. this doesn't mean to do stupid thing that will get you in trouble, but to take risks and enjoy life.
3.) Our goals as learners are to take knowledge and apply it to our life. The value of learning is to use it to its true potential, apply it to life skills and future jobs and opportunities.
One thing I thought was very interesting was "today's learner will have ten to fourteen jobs by the time they are thirty-eight and how Mr.Fisch said that China will be the number one English speaking country since America was raised speaking in English. This makes me think that people are meant to provide knowledge for the future and we all can do this intentionally or accidentally. This had impacted me since I now know that sometimes other countries can be better at something than one raised doing that one thing and the future can have more knowledge and experience than the past generations. "Inspired Bikes" makes me think that hard work really does pay off even if it may take a few years of learning/experience but you should never give up if that is your dream/goal in life. I can apply what I saw to my life by working hard to achieve my dream/goal and don't stop/give up until you achieve the dream/goal. The value of learning is to have more knowledge and more experience to prepare ourselves for the future and for what we want to achieve in life. My role as a learner is to have a good future and to have the knowledge and experience I need to be able to achieve my goals and dreams in life.
ReplyDeleteLearning Blog
1. Some ideas that strike me during the presentation is how things have changed so much and we see and feel none of it. Things have happened in the modern world that people 20, maybe even 30 years ago didn’t ever think would become reality. Its almost like being in a sci-fi movie and seeing into the future because you live in it.
2. The “Inspired bikes” video does a great job of reminding people that the impossible can become possible if enough work is put into it. Danny Macaskill’s skills didn’t just come naturally, he probably had to go through years of trial and error with lots of broken bones and scrapes on the side.
3. The value of learning comes from the fact that in the modern world and time the most powerful tool is education, which can be used to make amazing changes in our world. Our role as learners is to pass on that knowledge to the future generations and to use our knowledge to solve the problems left at our feet by the last generation.
Chapter 1 Pg, 31: “Jack drew his knife again with a flourish. He raised his arm in the air. There came a pause, a hiatus, the pig continued to scream and the creepers to jerk, and the blade continued to flash at the end of a bony arm.The pause was only long enough for them to understand what an enormity the downward stroke would be. Then the piglet tore loose from the creepers and scurried into the undergrowth.” From this quote we see the innocence and the unwillingness to survive yet, and I believe that one of the most important themes in this book is the boys innocence and then the loss of innocence
ReplyDeleteChapter 2 Pg, 34: “While we’re waiting we can have a good time on this island.” In chapter 2 we still see the boys as the little nice kids who only want to play games and have fun even though there lives could end on that island thus further proving the point of the innocence that they still have
ReplyDeleteChapter 3 Pg. 52: "You've noticed, haven't you?"
Jack put down his spear and squatted.
"Noticed what?"
"Well. They're frightened."
He rolled over and peered into Jack's fierce, dirty face.
"I mean the way things are. They dream. You can hear 'em. Have you been awake at night?" Jack shook his head.
"They talk and scream. The littluns. Even some of the others. As if—"
"As if it wasn't a good island."
Astonished at the interruption, they looked up at Simon's serious face.
"As if," said Simon, "the beastie, the beastie or the snake-thing, was real. Remember?" From this quote we see that the kids are starting to realize that they can no longer run around and pretend that everything is ok and that they need to start working for the common good which is to help each other survive until they get “rescued.”
Chapter 4 Pg 75: “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” With this chant we see the kids start to lose their innocence and start to become savage, because this first pig that they killed it represents their innocence lost and that they can no longer be the kids from the prep school, they now have to be survivalists.
Chapter 5 Pg. 75: Fear can't hurt you any more than a dream. There aren't any beasts to be afraid of on this island....Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!" From this quote we see that Jack is losing it and tells everyone that they need to toughen up instead of moaping around and wanting to go back home and for once we see that they’re scared.
Chapter 6 Pg. 98: "I'm chief. We've got to make certain that there is no beast....There's no signal showing on the mountain. There may be a ship out there.” from this quote we start to see Ralph really step into the role as chief by not saying lets have fun until we get rescue but giving the kids the cold hard truth which is we need to take care of eachother.
ReplyDelete2) Pg. 52: "You've noticed, haven't you?"
Jack put down his spear and squatted.
"Noticed what?"
"Well. They're frightened."
He rolled over and peered into Jack's fierce, dirty face.
"I mean the way things are. They dream. You can hear 'em. Have you been awake at night?" Jack shook his head.
"They talk and scream. The littluns. Even some of the others. As if—"
"As if it wasn't a good island."
Astonished at the interruption, they looked up at Simon's serious face.
"As if," said Simon, "the beastie, the beastie or the snake-thing, was real. Remember?" From this quote we see that the kids are starting to be frightened by the island and that it may not be as good as told before by Ralph
3) "Shut up," said Ralph absently. He lifted the conch. "Seems to me we ought to have a chief to decide things."
"A chief! A chief!"
"I ought to be chief," said Jack with simple arrogance, "because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp." This quote shows the earlier stage of debating over who will become the leader, this will be a stepping stone to the later constant fighting and hatred.
4) 1.Can we all truly become savage
2.Do we take our civilized society for granite
Chapter 2 Pg, 34: “While we’re waiting we can have a good time on this island.” In chapter 2 we still see the boys as the little nice kids who only want to play games and have fun even though there lives could end on that island thus further proving the point of the innocence that they still have
ReplyDeleteChapter 3 Pg. 52: "You've noticed, haven't you?"
Jack put down his spear and squatted.
"Noticed what?"
"Well. They're frightened."
He rolled over and peered into Jack's fierce, dirty face.
"I mean the way things are. They dream. You can hear 'em. Have you been awake at night?" Jack shook his head.
"They talk and scream. The littluns. Even some of the others. As if—"
"As if it wasn't a good island."
Astonished at the interruption, they looked up at Simon's serious face.
"As if," said Simon, "the beastie, the beastie or the snake-thing, was real. Remember?" From this quote we see that the kids are starting to realize that they can no longer run around and pretend that everything is ok and that they need to start working for the common good which is to help each other survive until they get “rescued.”
Chapter 4 Pg 75: “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” With this chant we see the kids start to lose their innocence and start to become savage, because this first pig that they killed it represents their innocence lost and that they can no longer be the kids from the prep school, they now have to be survivalists.
Chapter 5 Pg. 75: Fear can't hurt you any more than a dream. There aren't any beasts to be afraid of on this island....Serve you right if something did get you, you useless lot of cry-babies!" From this quote we see that Jack is losing it and tells everyone that they need to toughen up instead of moaping around and wanting to go back home and for once we see that they’re scared.